As many of you know, we have four hens, Virgina (Ginny), Tahllulah (Loola), Minnie and Babe. They are Araucanas or "Easter Egg" hens and they do, in fact, lay slightly pastel colored eggs (thus far, ours tend towards teal
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One thing I've loved about FB and LJ is that folks are posting lots of pictures of their gardens. Perhaps it is not exciting for everyone to take in shot after shot of brazen tomato plants, coy carrots and slinky bean vines...but I love it.
Well I've been meaning to post about the garden for a while now but early spring has been delightfully busy. There's not all that much to tell (unless you're a gardener and like the dirty details but I won't assume that is the case for all of you). Suffice to say that we've learned quite a bit from last year. We've started things much earlier,
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In honor of Earth Day, I thought about putting together some meaningful post about ways to be greener in our busy, industrialized lives. Then I thought about the folks who read this journal and realized that I probably don't have any tips or clues that you folks don't already know.
I was reading an article today which cites a 2007 survey (issued to approximately 9,000 adults by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention) that found that 367,000 children are vegetarians, that translates to about 1 in every 200 kids.